Things to Consider:
Story and Pacing:
Does the story unfold smoothly, or are there any sections that feel too rushed or too slow?
Are there any lines or sections of dialogue that feel unnecessary or should be removed?
Does the b-roll enhance the story? Are there any moments where the visuals feel mismatched or could be adjusted?
Do we need to add or remove any on-screen text to make the story more clear or enhance understanding? If so explain?
Does the music fit the mood and energy of the video? Are there any points where it feels too distracting? or doesn’t work well with the scene?
On-Screen Text (other than captions):
Background Music:
Things to Consider:
Text and Captions:
Are there any typos, grammatical errors, or issues with the placement or timing of on-screen text or captions?
Is the dialogue clear? Are there any volume issues or spots where audio needs adjusting?
Do the transitions between clips feel smooth and natural?
Do the colors feel consistent and polished throughout the video? Are there any sections where the colors feel off or could use adjustment?
Color Grading:
How to Provide Feedback:
paste your feedback notes here: